A Love Like Parsons

hello, little one

a love like parsons


Happy Father’s Day, Stephen!

We found out I was pregnant when we were vacationing in Las Vegas with friends and celebrating their graduation from Weapons School. I remember a bouncer offering to pour drinks for us at our table and I yelled over the music something along the lines of, “I’m pregnant! We just found out. It’s our first!” He smiled and congratulated us. He talked about his kids and what ‘crazy’ blessings they were and then wished Stephen a ‘Happy Father’s Day’. Stephen’s dimpled smile was priceless…

I love that memory.

Sharing our news…

Stephen and I held off announcing our pregnancy until we felt it was safe. I was 23 weeks pregnant when we shared our news publicly. I had been happily carrying our little girl for 5 1/2 months.

This picture was taken in Dubrovnik, Croatia. We were vacationing with family, celebrating my sister’s birthday. It felt like the perfect moment to have our picture taken, so we did.

I decorated the sign a few weeks earlier and took a picture of it laying on my kitchen table. Voila! We had our announcement post.


We loved seeing family

This picture was taken just a 2 days before we parted ways with most of our family. After Dubrovnik, we (Stephen, Katy and myself) packed up our car rental and started the second part of our vacation - road tripping through Italy.

Below is a video of Florence during an ultrasound. The technician was hoping to see a different view of her so I started rubbing my belly and talking to her. This was her reaction.

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